Gaudet Luce 2023 Photobook – Kindly provided by Chris Hobbs

What makes a good golf society day in Worcestershire?
02/07/2024Gaudet Luce Junior Open was held in bright sunshine on 19th May, not a drop of rain in sight!
Entries were lower than in previous years but the quality of golf was as good as ever. 30 players, 14 girls and 16 boys, represented 13 different golf clubs.
Thanks must go to John Wright, attired in Club blazer and Panama hat, he was an excellent starter as usual. Thank you also to all the parents who, along with past and present juniors, provided enthusiastic help on the day.”
Best Gross Boy Thomas Griffiths, Redditch GC
Best Gross Girl Serafima Taylor, Sutton Coldfield GC
Best Nett Boy Ciaran Hession-Wilson, Kings Norton GC
Best Nett Girl Lily Smith, Gaudet Luce GC
9 Hole Stableford Aimee Bell, Gaudet Luce GC