Local Rules
Updated November 2024
Ground Under Repair (GUR)
The following areas are defined as GUR:
• Any areas bounded by a white line or indicated by GUR signage.
• Relief may be taken from balls lying in, or on sunken or recently installed/repaired drain lines.
• Planted areas around the 1st, 2nd, 4thand 10th tees plus the planted area and laurel hedge bordering the footpath by the 6th tee and to the rear of the 5th green (Note, unless listed here, or individually marked all remaining shrub beds are in play)
If a player's ball lies in any of these areas, or if the area interferes with the player's stance or the area of his intended swing, the player must take relief under Rule 16-1 applies.
• From time to time, due to current weather patterns and excessive rainfall events it may be become necessary to deem all bunkers as GUR. This decision will be made daily in line with routine course inspections, and the status of bunkers on any given day will be indicated by a sign on the 1st tee. Should all bunkers
No Play Area
All wildflower areas are defined as No Play and areas marked with Blue stakes or Blue lines are additionally no entry areas.
A player MUST take free relief if:
• His or her ball is in a no play zone, or
• A no play zone interferes with his or her area of intended stance or area of intended swing in playing a ball outside the no play zone
Rule 16.1f applies.
Out Of Bounds (OOB)
A ball is declared Out of Bounds when it lies:
• Beyond the inside edge of any hedge, or fence that forms the boundary of the course.
• Beyond the nearest inside line of white stakes indicating OOB on any hole. (On the line is OOB)
Another ball must be played from where you last played under penalty of stroke and distance under Rule 18
The following are defined as immovable obstructions: (Rule 16.1 Applies)
• All artificial surfaces, constructed paths, steps.
• Irrigation valve boxes
• Winter tee mats
• All benches and the bell on the 5th hole
Relief may be taken under Rule 24.2 if the obstruction interferes with the player’s stance or intended path of swing only. Relief may not be taken if the obstruction only interferes with the intended line of the ball.
• Sprinkler heads Relief may be taken if such an obstruction on, or within two club lengths of the putting green of the hole being played and within two club-lengths of the ball, interferes on the line of play between the ball and the hole. The player may obtain relief without penalty by dropping within one club length of the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole.
The following are defined as movable obstructions: (Rule 15.2 applies)
• Stones in bunkers
• Red stakes
• Temporary signage, post and ropes directing players around greens.
The following are defined as integral parts of the course: (Rule 19 applies)
• White stakes
• All Bridges
The ball must be played as it lies. Relief may only be taken as an unplayable lie under penalty of one stroke.
Penalty Areas
(Rule 17 Applies)
Any area marked by red stakes whether or not containing water.
Protection of Young Trees
Relief must be taken from young trees that are identified by stakes including in penalty areas. Old tree wraps or guards do not constitute a staked tree.
If such a tree interferes with a player's stance or the area of his or her intended swing the ball must be lifted and dropped in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rule 16-1(f)) or Rule 17-1.(e) if in a penalty area. The ball may be cleaned when so lifted.
• On the 10th Hole if a ball strikes the overhead cables the ball must be replayed from the original position. Rule 14.6 applies.
• LOST BALL: If you believe your ball to be potentially lost in a penalty area, under Local Rule you can play a provisional ball, by clearly stating the fact to your playing partners and playing a ball as if the first is lost according to the rules of golf i.e. with a penalty drop on the line of entry to the hazard in most cases. If your ball is then found, continue with the original ball and pick up your provisional ball. If you can’t find your original ball (after no more than 3 minutes of looking) continue with your provisional ball which is now in play.
Lost Ball in a Penalty Area
If you believe your ball to be potentially lost in a penalty area, under Local Rule you can play a provisional ball, by clearly stating the fact to your playing partners and playing a ball as if the first is lost according to the rules of golf i.e. with a penalty drop on the line of entry to the hazard in most cases.
If your ball is then found, continue with the original ball and pick up your provisional ball. If you can’t find your original ball (after no more than 3 minutes of looking) continue with your provisional ball which is now in play.
If a player does not know whether their ball is in a penalty area, the player may play a provisional ball under Rule 18.3, which is modified by this local rule.
In playing the provisional ball:
· The player may use the stroke-and-distance relief option (see Rule 17.1d(1))
· The back-on-the-line relief option (see Rule 17.1d(2))
· or, if it is a red penalty area, the lateral relief option (see Rule 17.1d(3)).
· If a dropping zone is available for this penalty area, the player may also use that relief option.
Once the player has played a provisional ball under this Local Rule, they may not use any further options under Rule 17.1 in relation to the original ball.
In deciding when that provisional ball becomes the player’s ball in play, or if it must, or may be abandoned, Rule 18.3c(2) and 18.3c(3) apply.
When the original ball Is found in the penalty area within a three-minute search time. The player may choose to either:
· Continue to play the original ball as it lies in the penalty area, in which case the provisional ball must not be played. All strokes with that provisional ball before it was abandoned (including strokes made and any penalty strokes solely from playing that ball) do not count,
· Continue to play the provisional ball in which case the original ball must not be played.
When the original ball is not found within a three-minute search time or is known or virtually certain to be in the penalty area. The provisional ball becomes the player’s ball in play.
Penalty for breach of Local Rule: General Penalty