5 Health Benefits Of Playing Golf

Hear it from a member…
28/03/2019Gaudet Luce – Home of the Worcestershire Trilby Tour 2019
Only read on if you have nerves of steel!
All joking aside, grab yourself a Jazzy Trilby hat for another year…
We have proudly been host to the Trilby Tour Championship of Worcestershire for the last two years, so when we were asked to partner up for a third year, we jumped at the chance!
What is the Trilby Tour?
Firstly, it’s the UK’s largest amateur golf tournament.
A series of regional championships are played across the UK, to find the top 10 players who earn their place at the International Grand Final.
These talented golfers will then battle it out on the golf course until the winner is left and crowned ‘Trilby Tour Champion’
The Trilby Tour is known for its unusual competitive format, with the top 4 players on each championship going in to a 3-hole shootout to decide the champion.
Golfers have hailed the Trilby Tour as the closest experience to a Professional tournament, playing under the pressures of an international televised event.
What can you expect from the Trilby Tour Day?
- Fun & Excitement
- Healthy Competitiveness with upto 150 other golfers
- Chance to meet other golfers from all over the country (and further afield)
- Other business and activities available on site
- Bar and Refreshments available all day
- Get your face on the big screen…
Sky Sports Golf will be onsite during the day to capture all the best or challenging moments, it’s your chance to give 5 minutes of fame.
Fancy your chances?
Win your way into the Trilby Tour if you haven’t already entered #WinYourWayIn
For just £30, you can enter a qualifier, win it and then take part in the championship final of Worcestershire at Gaudet Luce GC that normally costs £285!
For the uninitiated the competition organisers provide you with shirt, trousers, golf bag, trilby, caddie suit and caddie cap. You just have to provide the caddie that will guide you to victory!
Entries are now open here http://www.birdweb.co.uk/gaudet/events/open-events-2019/
Fancy finding out a bit more?
More information on the trilby tour can be found here: http://www.trilbytour.com/about